Tofigh Yearbook

The main characters were Tawfiq, Kakatofiq, Coriander (Kaka family), Mamuli (Kaka monkey) and the nation. In the third term, after two or three years, Tawfiq was able to direct his satirical criticism at the government (especially the prime minister and ministers) and lawyers and senators, or at the policies of the United States, Britain, and Israel. Tawfiq's political policy during this period was to support deprived nations, as he supported the Vietnamese people with anti-American content and cartoons during the Vietnam War (for example, see 46, 13, 30 June 1346, on the cover; 46). , Sh 33, 18 Aban 1346, on the cover). Anti-Israel material was also published, especially during the Arab-Israeli war, while the Iranian government was a major supporter of Israel. Each year, Tawfiq selected three cartoons with political, social, and humorous themes as the best cartoons published in the country's publications and published them in the special issue of "Sizdehbehdar."