The Most Malicious Car In The World

  At approximately 5:15 pm, Dean and Hickman left Blackwells Corner, driving west on Route 466 toward Paso Robles, approximately 60 miles (97 km) away. Dean accelerated in the "Little Bastard" and left the Ford station wagon far behind. Further, along Route 466, the Porsche crested Polonio Pass and headed down the long Antelope Grade, passing cars along the way toward the junction of Route 466 and Route 41. At approximately 5:45 pm, a two-tone black and white 1950 Ford Tudor was headed east on Route 466 just west of the junction near Shandon. Its driver, the 23-year-old US Navy veteran and Cal Poly student Donald Turnupseed, made a left turn onto Route 41 headed north, toward Fresno. As Turnupseed's Ford crossed over the center line, Dean (clearly seeing an imminent crash) apparently tried to steer the Spyder in a "side-stepping" racing maneuver, but with insufficient time and space, the two cars collided almost head-on. A witness, John Robert White, reportedly saw the Spyder smash into the ground two or three times in cartwheels, and land in a gully beside the shoulder of the road, northwest of the junction. The velocity of the impact sent the much-heavier Ford broad-sliding 39 feet (12 m) down Route 466 in the opposing lane. The collision was witnessed by several passers-by who stopped to help. A woman with nursing experience attended to Dean and detected a weak pulse in his neck.