A set of false teeth belonging to Winston Churchill's has been sold for £15,200 at an auction in Norfolk. The upper dentures, one of several sets made for the wartime prime minister, were specially constructed to preserve his natural lisp and were so important he carried two pairs with him at all times. The teeth, sold by the son of the dental technician who made them, had been expected to fetch a maximum of £5,000, but they were bought for more than three times that by a British collector of Churchill memorabilia. The set of dentures was designed to be loose-fitting so that Churchill could preserve the diction famous from his radio broadcasts during the second world war, an expert said. Advertisement "From childhood, Churchill had a very distinctive natural lisp; he had trouble with his S's," said Jane Hughes, head of learning at the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons in London. "These are the teeth that saved the world."