This Woman is Addicted To Drinking Gasoline… (My Strange Addiction)
TLC warned that gasoline contains up to 150 toxic chemicals refined from crude oil.
"Drinking gasoline can cause vomiting, nervous system damage and death," it stressed.
Shannon said her "favourite" way of drinking the toxic liquid was straight from the can, though clips of her tipping back petrol in shot glasses were also shown.
“I take the cap off and breathe in the fumes that come forcing out of the can,” she said.
Shannon's addiction spiralled to the point where she was seeking other ways to silence her gasoline cravings, soaking scraps of newspaper in petrol before eating them.
She began suffering physical side effects from her addiction too.
"I get really dizzy, I have really sharp chest pains, I have pains in my stomach, in my intestines."
addicted addiction clip Connie dangerous addiction Drinking Gasoline Gasoline guzzling petrol habit health kill risks Shannon strange addiction struck woman