Tag Archives: family

10 Prime Locations for a Vacation Home

Owning a vacation home is a luxury some people can only dream about, given the high cost of real estate in many parts of the country. But not all markets are priced out of reach. In quite a few vacation destinations around the country, a home can be purchased for $325,000 or less — often far less. The property can ...

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The First 10 Ways to Be a (Much) Better Wife

When you’re married with kids and you have a thriving career, the first thing that slips away in your daily life is “you time.” The second thing? “You and him” time. The good news: it doesn’t take much to get the latter back on track. If you believe the top relationship experts (and you should!), it’s the little stuff you ...

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Protect your Child from Sexual Abuse

Unfortunately, ANY child is at risk of sexual abuse. Hoping… denying…. pretending…. that this can’t happen to your child is not lowering your child’s risk of being sexually abused, and it does not prepare them to get help quickly and effectively if the worst does happen. The stark reality of the statistics is that approximately 1 in 4 girls and ...

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