Celebrities Who Have Successfully Battled Addiction

Elton John

Not much can be said about the infamous singer Elton John, that isn’t already known by his millions of fans. Open to the public and having a memoir of his life, the actor admitted to being a drug addict in the early 80’s and “wasting” a big part of his life. “I was a drug addict and self-absorbed,” he said, blaming the start of his addiction to a number of his friends dying to AIDS. He explained that he felt invincible when he mixed drugs with alcohol, but he also points out to the fact that he was “the luckiest man in the world” to get out of this lifestyle HIV-negative. Nowadays, after battling his addiction, the singer explained that he is trying to make up for his “Me generation” period and that there is “so much more to be done” in regard to helping the world fight AIDS, drug and booze addiction and other similar issues.