Ancient persian engineering

Iran has made considerable advances in science and technology through education and training, despite international sanctions in almost all aspects of research during the past 30 years. Iran's university population swelled from 100,000 in 1979 to 2 million in 2006. 70% of its science and engineering students are women.Iran's scientific progress is reported to be the fastest in the world. eng Iran has made great strides in different sectors, including aerospace, nuclear science, medical development, as well as stem cell and cloning research. Persia was a cradle of science in earlier times, contributing to medicine, mathematics, science, and philosophy. Trying to revive the golden time of Persian science, Iran's scientists now are cautiously reaching out to the world. Many individual Iranian scientists, along with the Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences and Academy of Sciences of Iran, are involved in this revival.The Persian Empire ruled over a significant portion of the Middle East. Created by Cyrus the Great, the empire was so large it actually had three capitals, Susa, Babylon, and Ecbatana. Its size rivaled if not surprised even the Roman Empire. The Persians were also known for its architectural feats. They were able to master irrigation, and create aqueducts to help bring water to their fields and cities. These aqueducts were also used to create massive gardens at the king's palace. Their achievements allowed the empire to grow and prosper and conquer many of its neighbors.