6 Amazing Things You Probably Didn’t Know About The Persians Empire

3) Persians were also known as pioneers in ventilation, cooling systems and refrigeration technology pers42 The Persian prowess in cooling and refrigeration tech is even older with the first crafting techniques of ancient refrigerators coming from circa 400 BC. Known as Yakhchals (or ice pits), these designs generally comprised of large yet insulated underground storage spaces that sometimes crossed volumes of 1,800,000 cubic ft. The subterranean areas additionally consisted ofQanat, or wind catchers for creating natural ventilation that aided in temperature drops to even frigid conditions. These underground chambers were literally topped off by stepped dome like structures made of heat-resistant mud bricks (pictured above) that often rose to over 60 ft, and were built with the help of a mortar consisting of sand, lime, egg white, goat hair and ash. These ingeniously engineered installations was mainly used to store ice and even food items during the rigorous summer months. Interestingly, the then-available technology might have given rise to the famous cold desert ‘Faloodeh‘ from Iranian cuisine.