In the Elamite times
Shushtar was known as
Adamdun. In the Achaemenian times its name was
Šurkutir. The modern name,
Shushtar, is connected with the name of another ancient city, Susa (or
Shush, in Persian pronunciation), and means "greater (or better) than Shush."
During the Sassanian era, it was an island city on the Karun river and selected to become the summer capital. The river was channelled to form a moat around the city, while bridges and main gates into Shushtar were built to the east, west, and south. Several rivers nearby are conducive to the extension of agriculture; the cultivation of sugar cane, the main crop, dates back to 226. A system of subterranean channels called
Ghanats, which connected the river to the private reservoirs of houses and buildings, supplied water for domestic use and irrigation, as well as to store and supply water during times of war when the main gates were closed. Traces of these
ghanats can still be found in the crypts of some houses.The ancient fortress walls were destroyed at the end of the Safavid era.
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