10 Things You Must Know Before Visit Iran!

“When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” – Clifton Fadiman Ok, time has come to handle my famous ‘Things You didn’t Know’ about Iran. I have felt in love with this country from the very first minute if not before! iran1 If I would have to think of one word to describe Iran in would be ‘misconception’. You have no idea what kind of scary, horrifying and weird stories I have heard before my visit.Even my Mom, who is quiet relaxed about my travels by now, freaked out a bit when I said that after Armenia I’m crossing a border to Iran for 5 weeks. No wonder. When men such as Ahmadinejad represent your country in international media and interviews for CNN. You can find Interesting, funny and quirky facts about Iran in this blog: