Denmark and Finland
According to
NORDIC report : Reported offences per 100,000 of the population were 429 in Denmark,Around 500 rapes are reported to the Danish police annually. Studies reveal that only a small minority of all rapes are actually reported. According to a 2014 study published by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Denmark had the highest prevalence rate of physical and sexual violence against women in Europe.Amnesty International criticized Denamrk for inadequate laws in regard to sexual violence in a 2008 report.Sexual offences (Danish:
Seksualforbrydelser) are defined in the Danish Penal Code, Chapter 24, Section 216-236. References in legislation to marriage were removed following the 2013 amendment (previously providing for a reduced sentence or a pardon), and sexual acts performed on victims in a helpless state now also count as rape.In 1999, Denmark established its first rape crisis center.(
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