The Best Sci-Fi Movies Based On Books
Ender’s Game
Based on the 1985 novel from Orson Scott Card, the Ender’s Game novel was the first in a long line of other books. Though the movie failed to capture the same success as the novels, there have definitely been far worse book-to-film adaptations. Unfortunately, the world within Ender’s Game is a fantastically built sci-fi experience that only grew as the novels released, making it sad that we won’t continue to see it in live action.
Though the film was decently close to the actual book, the overall reception toward the film was very general. While it hit with the twist at the end, the rest of the film didn’t quite capture the same wonder from the novels, making it easy to see why it ultimately failed.
Annihilation books Ender’s Game film Logan’s Run Metropolis movies Novel Ready Player One Sci-Fi The Girl With All the Gifts The Hunger Games films The Iron Giant War of the Worlds