Tag Archives: yoga

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

everyone has days in the winter when they feel sluggish or unmotivated. But if your symptoms are causing disruptions in your life, then never hesitate to reach out to a professional.

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Stretches You Should Do Every Morning

Standing with feet hip-distance apart, clasp hands and round upper back keeping arms straight and active.Think about the shoulder blades spreading wide across your back. Hold stretch for 2-3 deep breaths.

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Basic Yoga Poses and their Benefit to Your Bodies

Tree – Vrksasana The Tree yoga pose may seems as another easy posture but it is not a resting asana. Your back should be aligned property (extended), your hips should be at one level, and since your stability depends on the distribution of your weight on your standing leg ensure you do while maintaing and improving your balance.

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New York’s Annual Gathering of Witches

The New York Witch Festival offers workshops with many well known authors, book signings, many vendors offering the widest variety of quality merchandise, tarot readers, workshops, musical entertainment, astrology, healers, Numerology, Reiki and so much more.

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