Tag Archives: Famous

Unspoken Story of the Youngest Murderer

Just after school on March 24, 1944, two little white girls growing up in a segregated mill town set out sharing a bicycle and plans for a springtime hunt for maypops, the tart fruit of a pretty wildflower.

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The Stories Behind Famous Car Logos

Before brand management and public relations and marketing and advertising firms dominated the process of creating company logos, there were family crests and city flags and mistresses to draw inspiration from. Here’s a look at the history of some of the world’s most iconic car logos.

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Unspoken Aspects of the Lives of the Actors

Bahram Radan (born 28 April 1979) is an Iranian actor and singer. While studying business management in college, Radan signed up for acting classes where he was discovered as an emerging talent. He got his first break when he was given an opportunity for his first role starring in the movie The Passion of Love.

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