Attorneys for Cristiano Ronaldo’s rape accuser ‘ask him to testify’

In court papers filed in 2019, Ronaldo's legal team acknowledged for the first time that Mayorga was paid $375,000 at the time she first made the accusations to police in order 'to maintain the confidentiality of their dispute.'

However, they note that the payment in no way acknowledges guilt, and that in fact 'the [agreement] made clear Mr. Ronaldo disputed [Mayorga's] allegations and in no way conceded she was injured.

'To the contrary, the [agreement] stated in no uncertain terms that Mr. Ronaldo was agreeing to pay [Mayorga] a sum of money in order to maintain the confidentiality of their dispute.'

Ronaldo's lawyers argue that the previous agreement and Nevada's statue of limitations make Mayorga's lawsuit null and void.

They also say she has yet to present any concrete evidence that she 'lacked mental capacity' when she signed the NDA.

In 2018, Ronaldo said: 'I firmly deny the accusations being issued against me. Rape is an abominable crime that goes against everything I am and believe in.'