10 Countries That Don’t Exist Today

  1. Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) (1922-1991)
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic takes the 1st spot in the list of the top 10 countries that don’t exist today. The Empire of the USSR was at its Peak in the 19th century. It consisted of modern cities like Tajikistan, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan etc. The biggest state in the USSR Empire was the state of Russia. In WWII USSR took the side of Germany and rejected the British and French alliance. In the 1980’s, Mikhail Gorbachev reformed the USSR in a way which was dislike by the different states. This led to a rise of nationalist and separatist movement. Central parts of USSR boycotted and referendums took place and they detached themselves from the USSR. The government recognizing it did not have enough power to govern resigned and the states separated themselves in 1991 and the USSR Empire dissolved.