Celebrities offer support to 6-year-old boy who saved little sister from dog attack

Days after the publication of his story, Bridger’s aunt posted a video of him dressed as the super hero of Captain America, and watched a clip recorded by him, American actor Chris Evans, who performed the character of Captain America, and Chris addressed his words to Bridger saying, “Hello Bridger, Captain America here. How are you my friend? I read your story and saw what you did. I know you have heard this a lot for the past two days but let me be the next person to tell you this: You are a hero. ”

He continued his speech by saying, “What you did was very great courage, and your sister is fortunate because you are her big brother, your parents must be proud of you.” Then he surprised him by sending him a special gift for him which is an original shield for Captain America, and he said to him, “You deserve it. Continue as you are, we need people same to you”.