Life Style

bizarre phobias you might wonder if they really exist

A phobia can be defined as a kind of anxiety disorder or fear in which the sufferer has a ruthless horror of a situation, creature or thing. We already know that one of the most common phobias is the fear of height which is also known as Acrophobia. It is understandable because the extreme heights could be dangerous. However, there ...

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Avoid mens receding hairline

  Hair loss comes with age. We men tend to think that we’ll age ‘gracefully’ with a head full of hair past our primes. What most of us don’t know is that a receding hairline is more common in men than women! About the age of 36, quite a number of us will begin experiencing a bit of hair loss. ...

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Some training mistakes you’re making when lifting weights

We get it, you’re smashing super-sets like an angry Clark Kent but the results have plateaued. It’s time to stop crying into your protein shake and address the issues. Just because you’re shifting more iron than Western Australia doesn’t mean you’re necessarily doing it right. Check out these fast fixes to make the most of your workouts

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