
Nowruz: Traditions for Persian New Year in Gajarieh

Nowruz is the traditional Iranian festival of spring which starts at the exact moment of the vernal equinox, commencing the start of the spring. It is considered as the start of the New Year among Iranians. The name comes from Avestan meaning “new day/daylight”. Noruz is celebrated March 20/21 each year, at the time the sun enters Aries and Spring ...

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The most Dangerous Beaches around the World

The island of Reunion, Indian Ocean The world’s most deadly island in the French territory, 140 miles from Mauritius in the Indian Ocean had 20 attacks and seven fatalities since year 2011. It means that in the past five years, 13% of all the world’s fatal shark attacks have taken place around this tiny area.

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Most Luxurious Shopping Malls in Iran

1- Arg Commercial complex, Tehran Arg Commercial complex is a complete collection of the most famous brands in Iran including clothes, cosmetics, home appliances, electronics and kitchen, Perfume, jewelry, carpets and rugs, glasses and Rhinestones, all in a fun & modern environment. The most important features of this big commercial complex include an amusment park, amphitheater, restaurants, food court, coffee shops ...

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Top 8 Healthy Fruits for Eyes

Strawberries Strawberries have always been delicious but at the same time, they can be an amazing supplement for the health of your eyes too. When you are tired, you often wake up with dull, baggy and puffy eyes. In this situation, you can get hold of a few fresh chilled strawberries and slice them. Place these slices on your eyes ...

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The Most Expensive State Cars in the World

Germany – Mercedes-Benz S600L $174,890 The German executive vehicles are categorized under the name Sonderklasse, meaning “special class.” These cars are certainly in a league of their own. Currently, they’re using the Mercedes-Benz S-Class series, which are sleeker and of course, highly sophisticated. Some awesome features include LED lighting, a sculpted exterior for less wind resistance, and two widescreen displays ...

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