10 photos showing the incredible tricks people use to get the perfect shot
A snowstorm
Each element is carefully fabricated to achieve a sort of visual cohesion throughout each layer of the photo. With this background thrown out of focus, it doesn’t look that different from actually shooting outdoors.The snow is also a real effect shot in camera which blasts out soap suds that resemble snow, especially when thrown out of focus. make sure the “snow” was not only falling directly on the subject, but also covering a wide area from behind the model all the way up to my camera lens for a realistic depth of field. After all- in real life the snow would be falling both in front of the camera, and behind.Another special effect used in these photos is the haze from a haze machine. This atmospheric layer of fog added a little bit more depth to the background, and allowed us to see some flare from the backlights, as if the sun were caught in the blizzard’s drift. Because the haze likes to come out of the machine a bit directional, I had what I like to call “waft man” fanning the haze so it would spread evenly throughout the set.